
In 2023, we are excited to announce that the ENOR meeting will again be held in person. The theme for this year's meeting is the "Importance of Oxysterols in Nutrition, Cancer, and Other Degenerative Diseases." We eagerly anticipate reconnecting with colleagues, exchanging ideas, and engaging in face-to-face discussions. The 12th ENOR meeting will be hosted locally by Marc and Sandrine Poirot, along with their dedicated team and the logistical support from the University of Toulouse.

The event is scheduled to take place on 21-22 September 2023 in the beautiful city of Toulouse, specifically at the Toulouse Oncopole. This gathering will serve as a valuable platform for researchers across various disciplines in the life sciences to share their findings and insights on oxysterols and phytosterols. Moreover, we aim to explore how these molecules can be applied in diverse domains, ranging from agri-food to medicine.

As in previous years, we encourage young researchers to present their work through oral communications and posters. A selection of these presentations will be chosen for flash talk sessions. Additionally, we will be recognizing outstanding contributions by awarding three prizes for the best works presented. Furthermore, following our tradition, there will be an opportunity to publish the works presented at the meeting in a Special Issue of a highly esteemed scientific journal. This initiative aims to promote the quality of research conducted within the ENOR network and showcase the dynamic nature of our group.

We eagerly anticipate the participation of many of you at this 12th ENOR symposium. We guarantee a congenial and fraternal atmosphere where you can enjoy excellent scientific exchanges. Let us come together and contribute to advancing our understanding of oxysterols while fostering fruitful collaborations.






Ouverture des soumissions : 31 mai 2023

Ouverture des inscriptions : 31 mai 2023

Fin des early bird : 1er juillet 2023 (étendu 15 septembre 2023)

Fin de la soumission des résumés : 27 août 2023 (étendu 15 september 2023)



Etudiant / Doctorant : 100€ TTC

Chercheur / Ingénieur : 205€ TTC

Entreprise : 530€ TTC

Diner de Gala inclus dans le tarif des inscriptions. Pour toute personne supplémentaire : 90€

Personnes connectées : 2 Vie privée | Accessibilité